Sunday, January 17, 2010

Top TEN Random Hate Stuff.

They are in ramdom. :O

1. Redundant Stuff.

I hate repeating things. Anything. Words, doing stuff all over again, it just pisses me off.

2. Racists.

I am racial to racists. And that makes me a racist, too. Gah, makes no sense.

3. People who categorize people.

These are people who... gah. Think everyone is the same.. and think they're the only one who's unique.

4. Feeling Fashionista

These guys buy expensive stuff, think they look cool, but actually look like bull crap. They wear nike, dolce, LV.. but actually look cheap.

5. People who stop walking in the middle of the street/hallways just to answer their phone/answer a text message.


1 comment:

  1. glad you back in the blogging world.

    i'm with you especially in 2 and 4! hahaha...

    how have you been doin? hope you're alright. i wouldn't hurt to lend an ear. :-)
